[alert-announce]Below are private course options. Want to learn in a normal classroom setting instead? Check our calendar for upcoming classes, and register with your $60 deposit to reserve your seat.[/alert-announce]

One Couple
You will receive the Rebel Birth course book online to study. One or both Rebel Leaders, depending on our availability and determined by us, will come at a pre-determined time for a session with you lasting up to 6 hours. We will go over comfort and relaxation techniques, hospital protocols, and whatever else you want to focus on. The benefit of the private session is that we can cater to your needs and focus on the areas that will benefit you specifically.

Two Couples
Private crash course with one other couple:
$400 per couple
You will both receive the Rebel Birth course book online to study. One or both Rebel Leaders, depending on our availability and determined by us, will come at a pre-determined time for a session with you and one other couple lasting up to 6 hours. We will go over comfort and relaxation techniques, hospital protocols, and whatever else you want to focus on, making sure that both couples educational needs are met.

[alert-note]TRAVEL FEE for Crash Course Classes. Within 50 miles – no travel fee. 50 miles or greater – $100 travel fee.[/alert-note]

6 Week On Location Rebel Birth Class
$350 per couple within 50 miles, $400 per couple greater than 50 miles
3 couple minimum
You will all receive the Rebel Birth course book online to study. One or both Rebel Leaders, depending on our availability and determined by us, will come to you at your location to teach the 6 week Rebel Birth course. Class will be on the same day at the same time for 6 consecutive weeks and the topics discussed will be determined by Rebel Birth. Teaching space to be provided and if applicable paid for by students.

[alert-success]Crash Courses are available on an as-available basis. Contact us with questions.[/alert-success]